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The Real Patriot's Voice

07 November, 2007

Keris Melayu Defends for All Races?

The Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the Keris Melayu is a weapon to defend all races, in the UMNO General Assembly, 7 November 2007. He said that the extraction of Keris Melayu at the party annual meeting should not be seen as a provocative gesture, it could be a part of race heritage tradition. However, it has been defined narrowly to terrify non-Malays community, said Pak Lah.


Certainly, the Keris Melayu is not a weapon to defend all races as it is symbolized Ketuanan Melayu (Malays Supremacy). Whereby, Malays people are considered as the "tuan" (masters) of Malaysia, the Chinese and Indian are considered as beholden to the Malays. That is a disappointment where all Malaysian are not treated in the same position as Chinese and Indian efforts and sacrificing in the national development is not lesser than whosoever.


Even though, we all Malaysian celebrating 50 years for its independence from the colonist but it could not make us completely independence in term of polarization. As all Malaysian students read and study the Malaysia syllabus history, it defined that the colonist polarized the nations with race, then governed (Percah dan perintah), but what is the difference between the colonist and UMNO-led government? That’s the ignorance of UMNO leaders.


The extraction of Keris Melayu is actually just to woo Malays Muslim supporters who dominating the population. They insensitively keep on their action, they do not care the non-Malays and continuously to nudge their feeling. The UMNO leaders’ action had against the concept of Bangsa Malaysia by Ketuanan Melayu. Are we going backward in term of toleration?


As a symbol of loving the country, we should waving the flag and not waving the Keris Melayu in the air. And preserve our Federal Constitution 1957 and Malaysia Agreement 1963 that the Islam is a religion for the Federation which excluded Sabah and Sarawak state and thus, Malaysia could be a Secular State and not Islamic State. Whereby, it had been an agreement of our senior generation, Tunku Abdul Rahman (The Father of Independence), Tun Razak and Tun Hussein Onn.


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