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The Real Patriot's Voice

26 October, 2007

UMNO MPs Too Bad

The Jerai Member of Parliament, Datuk Badruddin Amiruldin insulted MP Karpal Singh with telling that the latter’s use of a wheelchair is a punishment from God. The remark shown how irrational, immoderate, insensitive, ignorant and abhorrent does Badruddin is. Badruddin is a shame to his country, race and religion. Although we realize that the Islam is a clean and untainted religion but the Badruddin’s remark has destroyed the reputation of all Muslim.


The Badruddin’s remark is insulting to all disabled community around the world. In fact, the disabled community should be treating with encouragements, sympathies and recognitions so that the disabled community will not feel oppressed. But with the Badruddin’s remark, certainly has ability to destroy the state of mind of some disabled community, especially to those wheelchair users.


Apparently shown UMNO MPs have not aware with their remarks that made before in the parliament. Whereby, Badruddin also ever made a statement ‘Kalau you tak suka, you keluar dari Malaysia which has high ability to stir up the racial sentiment among the nations. Besides, few months ago, the remark that made by MP Jasin Datuk Mohd Said Yusof has insulted the women community and his ownself. The remark was ‘Mana ada bocor, Batu Gajah pun tiap-tiap bulan bocor juga’ which apparent refer to the women’s monthly mestruation.


Although Malaysia achieved 50 years for its independence but its leaders (UMNO MPs) is seen as not educated, even the Minister of Education, Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein who extracted the Keris Melayu in the UMNO and Youth UMNO Geneal Assemblies. This proved that UMNO leaders are not civilized and not appropriate to govern Malaysia, whereby, their remarks and actions contain seditious, racism and discrimination. There is still a long way to be developed in terms of civilization and spiritual among the leaders.


However, Badruddin must make a public apology to Karpal and disabled community. He must be condemned in the strongest possible terms for his irrational, immoderate, insensitive, ignorant and abhorrent remark, where he is not just insulting Karpal and the disabled community but the august Parliament in bringing it to new depths of public shame. Therefore, the condemnation is a must in order to save our parliament and country reputation.


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