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The Real Patriot's Voice

11 November, 2007

Does Islam Hadhari a ‘Breath of Fresh Air’ to Western World?

On 7 November 2007, the Cuban Ambassador to Malaysia, Carlos A. Amores, told reporters that the Islam Hadhari was a `breath of fresh air' to the Western World who had viewed Islam negatively ever since the 911 tragedy, at PWTC during 58th UMNO General Assembly.


In fact, the Islam Hadhari is not compatible with Malaysia where its vision is to become an example of Islamic State and thus, it against the Federal Constitution 1957, Malaysia Agreement 1963 and a multi-religion society. The introduction of Islam Hadhari by the government to promote Islam will just make the Islam’s reputation even worse. Whereby, people will see Malaysia government as not tolerates and discriminates non-Muslims Malaysian people as well. And indirectly, the reputation for both Muslim and Malaysia will be destroyed.


However, it is not means that I am saying the bad about Islam Hadhari but it is not compatible for a plural Malaysia.


I know Islam Hadhari is a concept that emphasizes justice and sincerity. I believe if Islam Hadhari practice in Islamic States such as Iraq and Iran will definitely give a ‘breath of fresh air’ to the Western World but not in Malaysia. And further what Islamic State in Malaysia as emphasized by The Father of Independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman:


"All talk on Islamic States is just an empty dream. No man in his right sense would accept a nation which bases its political administration on religion, and in a country like Malaysia with its multi-racial and multi-religious people, there is no room for an Islamic State."


And I could understand that the al-Qaeda’s struggles does not means all Muslims’ stand. I strongly believe Islam is an untainted religion, emphasizes justice and sincerity and abhors violence. But beside Islam, all religions or teachings around the world also abhor violence, not only Islam but also Christianity, Hindu, Buddha, Taoism, Confucius, Sikhism and Judaism.


Hence, the concept is not so important to exhibit their (UMNO) political will. But what important is, the UMNO and BN must be really preserve all Malaysian’s rights regardless of race and religion, base on the identity as Malaysian. Those who study religion’s teaching and moral values but not practice it, is useless.


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