At first, Zam accused Kit Siang for calling him a “monkey” – but when confronted, Zam backed down and admitted that it was a comment left on Kit Siang’s blog. Apparently, showing that Zam is trying to confuse people where at first, Zam blames Kit Siang for calling him a ‘monkey’ but when confronted, then only Zam admitted that is was a comment left on Kit Siang’s blog.
Certainly, such term is not used by Kit Siang but it could be a Zam’s slander with the aid of Kinabatangan MP, Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin in order to defame the Kit Siang’s reputation. However, Kit Siang also regretted that such term being used by comment poster.
Kit Siang did a search of the reference which he had objected to and found it was a post by ENDANGERED HORNBILL on 28th October 2007 in the thread “Zam - Info Minister under coconut shell or bidding to be Mat Rempit “Godfather”?”, viz: “ZAM is behaving like a BN monkey that’s gone bananas over NUTs.”
Zam is out, support Kit Siang!!!