The recent Hindraf rally has shown another failure of the UMNO-led government administration in the past 50 years.
Unfortunately, the government did not want to take any lesson and blame the demonstrators as well as calling them racists and gangsters. Isn’t preserve self-rights a racist? Then, how about the people who administrate discriminately along the racial lines? And waving the Keris Melayu in the sky, shouting for “Ketuanan Melayu” in the meantime, threatened to bathe the Keris Melayu with Chinese blood. Clearly, the UMNO itself is a real racists and not those people who trying to end the racists’ policies.
Moreover, according to the Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, stated that every citizen is lawful to assemble peacefully, in other word, without any weapon. Apparently, the government’s move is not just against the human rights but also the constitution.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, has even asked Hindraf organizer to pay compensation. However, it is definitely unreasonable where the chaos of the rally is mainly caused by the excessive use of police force and the uses of tear gas and water cannons. The police have turned the peaceful into chaos. Therefore, the government itself could be a compensation payer.
I am very proud with the Indian community who had made a great history for their ethnic community on preserving their rights unlike the MIC, the UMNO servants who just worry their own beneficial. It could be a shame on MIC leaders who fearing the UMNO leaders too much. Basically, MIC is just for an exhibition-purpose, cheating Indian and the world community for showing that Malaysia government is fair to all, which is actually just a name representing the Indian Malaysian where in the reality, it does not work at all.
However, the UMNO leaders must not continuing to blame the Indian community, the government have to abolish their discriminatory policies and make apology to all Indian and even Chinese community for marginalizing them for 50 years ever since the Independence of Malaya.
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